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South Oxfordshire ‘The Way Ahead’

Consultation: Opened 16 Apr 2024 Closes 14 May 2024

Published: 26 April 2024

a group of people walking across a bridge over a river

Overview -South Oxfordshire District Council Priorities for 2024-2028

What is South Oxfordshire’s Plan?

We are preparing a new plan for the next four years.

It’s very important to us that it reflects the priorities and aspirations of local residents, businesses and community groups. We really want to discuss these plans with the communities we serve to make sure we understand what you value and what areas you want us to focus on.


Our current four-year plan began in 2020 and runs until October this year so we’re now setting our priorities for the next four years.

Draft themes for our new plan

Our vision is for a fairer, more inclusive South Oxfordshire where all residents can thrive both now and in the future.

Our suggested strategic themes and some examples of how we could achieve them over the next four years are set out here for discussion.  Do they reflect your concerns and priorities, or have we missed anything out?

Our ‘Way Ahead’ outlines five key themes steering our existing and aspirational plans within South Oxfordshire, covering:

Theme 1: Action on climate change and nature recovery.

Theme 2: Inclusion, accessibility and accountability.

Theme 3: Thriving and healthy communities.

Theme 4: Homes and infrastructure that meet local need.

Theme 5: Financial stability and innovative transformation.

There is a bit more detail later in the survey about how we might achieve our objectives under these themes.

There is a bit more detail later in the survey about how we might achieve our objectives under these themes.

arrows pointing up to the themesWe would like to invite your comments from Tuesday 16 April until 11:59pm on Tuesday 14 May 2024.

If you have any questions about this survey or require it in an alternative format (for example large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages) please email or call 01235 422425.

Drop-in Event

We are holding a drop-in event at Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Rd, Didcot OX11 7JN on Thursday 18 April anytime between 15:30-17:30.

This drop-in event will give you the opportunity to talk to council officers about our proposed future plan for the district.

If you can’t attend our drop-in event, you can take part in our South virtual exhibition here.

south Oxfordshire council logo of a tree

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